
The Lacombe Curling Club operates out of the 6 sheet Curling Complex, located in the newly renovated Gary Moe Sportsplex in downtown Lacombe, Alberta.

The Lacombe Curling Club is a not for profit recreational facility with excellent lower lobby facilities and a fully licensed upper level lounge.  Food service is available from the arena lobby concession stand. 

Our staff at the LCC includes our Manager, Head Ice Technician, Custodian, and Bartenders. They all work extremely hard to provide all of our patrons with the best possible experience.

The LCC is governed by an elected Board of Directors. These volunteers work tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the Lacombe Curling Club continues to be one of the premiere curling facilities in Alberta. We also have a dedicated and hard working group of member and community volunteers that keep our curling club growing and thriving.

We'd love for you to stop by and see for yourself what a great place we have. 

The Lacombe Curling Association thanks the Alberta Government of funding provided
through the CFEP grant program to assist with the imporvements made to our curling facility.

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5210 54 Ave
LacombeAB T4L 1H8

Contact Us

Email:  [email protected]
ph: +1 403-782-6277
fax: +1 403-782-6285


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