
The following leagues are available at the Lacombe Curling Club.   Please click into each one for more details.

Stick curling is a two person per team sport where one person 'throws' the rock while the other person holds the broom.
Each team throws six rocks in a six end game. In general, the game shouldn't take more than an hour to complete.
Draw time is 9:30am & 11:00am
League Rep - Elaine Oldford (403-782-2808)
* For rules and to better understand the game, see Stick Curling



Eagle Builders


Eagle Builders Super League
Central Alberta's best curlers take to the ice in the Monday Night Super League.
The Super League is an open league that can be made up of any male / female combination.
Teams pay an additional $600 league fee to the league rep for the season.
All players must use 'Legal' Synthetic brushes

No tick rule will be played
Cash prizes based on point standings are awarded at the end of the year.
Draw times are 7:00 pm
League Rep - Kevin Broderson

STURLING is the offical name for the 2-person sport of curling bringing together curlers who slide or use a stick, with no age or gender restrictions.
The name" STURLING " is based on the following:
"S" is for Slide or Stick, "T" is for Two-person-team, "URLING" is from cURLING
Draw time 9:30am & 11:00am
League Rep - Lyle Lorenz (403) 318-9179

This Tuesday afternoon fun league attracts Seniors' looking to connect through curling.
Teams are drawn "out of the hat" twice a season.
Winning or losing is not important, only prize is
 coffee, cookies, and great fellowship after each game.
Any and all "not serious" senior curlers are always welcome, maybe you've been away from the game for years and would like to give it a shot again, this is the perfect league for you.
Draw time is 1:00 pm
League reps - Doug Ayer (403-782-4327) & Gayle Plunkett (403-782-7209)
Please talk to Doug or Gayle before you sign up to ensure room is available.

Tuesday night is ladies night at the Lacombe Curling Club.
All levels of women's curlers are welcome to play.
Draw time is 6:45 pm
League Rep - Jessica Morrison

1535474680716Blindman Brewing "6-PACK" League
This league is for anyone who wants to experience the social side of curling.
It is open to all curlers of all skill levels.  Teams can be any mix of any gender.
The "6-PACK" league runs for 6 weeks - games are 6 ends - following the game you get to sample Blindman brews over the duration of the session.

2024-2025 Session 2 Dates: Jan 21st, 28th -  Feb 11th, 18th & 25th  - March 4th


Cost: $142/person for each session & all entries to be paid prior to plaing
Must be 18+ to register
Register online or by calling the office at 403-782-6277

League Rep

Our Downton's Transport Senior Super League is for those 50+ that wish to curl in a daytime league.
Teams can be made up of any male / female combination playing any position.
Draw time is 9:30 am
League rep - John Basarab -780-499-5431


Wednesday evening is men's night at the Lacombe Curling Club.
All skill levels of male curlers are encouraged to join this league.
Draw times are 6:45 & 9 pm.
League rep -

Thursday night mixed league is a fun league open to mixed teams of all skill levels from beginner, up to and including those that aren't even too bad!
Every team must have two female and two male curlers.  They must be in alternating positions through the lineup.
Draw time is 6:45 pm and 9:00 pm
League Rep - Joni Etienne

This is a 10 week instructed curling program designed to teach children age 5-12 years of age the basic safety, skills, rules and game play of curling.

Children aged 5 and 6 use the Tim Hortons' lite rocks.
Children aged 7 - 12 use the regular rocks.
Each session begins with learning specific curling skills and then are put into practice in a short game at the end of the 1 hour session.
A junior bonspiel caps off the end of the season. Stay tuned for details
Draw time is 5:30 - 6:30 pm
League Rep - Tyler Hagel

The Lacombe Youth League will provide youth with the opportunity to participate in games in a standard league format.
This league is intended for players ages 12-18 who wish to curl the full season on a set team.
Teams can be made up of any and all gender combinations.
There are spares needed in this league if you are unable to join a team full time.
Draw time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
12 Team Limit
League rep: (Contact office 403-782-6277)


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5210 54 Ave
LacombeAB T4L 1H8

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Email:  [email protected]
ph: +1 403-782-6277
fax: +1 403-782-6285


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